Building a marketing program for your small business is a lot like building a house. There is a process to make sure your house (marketing program) stands strong over time.
Building a marketing program for your small business is a lot like building a house. There is a process to make sure your house (marketing program) stands strong over time.
Your website should be the cornerstone of your marketing program. To make your site work for you, remember that every visitor is a potential client.
Effective marketing boils down to this: Find an audience, figure out what they need or want and then deliver it. Email is one of the best mediums to help you do just that. And it isn’t always about selling them on a product. In fact, that isn’t at all where you want to start. First […]
Is your email list a friend or a foe? Here are 3 ways to make sure that your list is a friend to your business and that it actually works for you.
How much is too much when you are using email to build solid business relationships with your audience? Use these guidelines to decide your best schedule.
Email is one of the most effective forms of marketing ever used. IT'S NOT DEAD! Here are 9 ways you can boost your marketing success using email.
It’s been proven by experts that people will spend their money with those they know, like, and trust. Here are 3 tips to build YOUR K-L-T factor!
Using a social media scheduling program is a wonderful thing. But you still need to be aware of what’s happening in your social media world and be ready to respond.
If you want to build an audience of loyal followers on any social media platform, consistency must be a part of your posting strategy. How many times a week (or a day) you post on social media is your choice - and some quick market research will tell you when your target audience is most […]
While you can take months or years to study the intricacies of social media and craft business strategies, there are three common myths about social media that business owners can dispel today.
Ah, social media. It’s everybody’s favorite way to interact with others around the world and to market their products and services. Some people reach the elevated status of Social Media Darling while others are posting day in and day out without any nibbles whatsoever. What’s the difference between the Darling and the Wannabe? Most importantly, […]